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One among hundreds of fundraising events held throughout the Valley of the Sun every year, the Chicanos por la Causa’s annual Ronnie Lopez Scholarship Golf Tournament recently teed off, supporting more than 100 scholarships for Arizona students.

AZ Family caught up with Antonio Moya, director of business development and scholarships, as well as Ryan, a scholarship recipient who personifies the mission of the nonprofit organization.

“They love giving back,” Ryan said about Chicanos por la Causa. The young man from Leveen also explained what it all means to him.

“My mom forced me to do community service, and I really didn’t understand why when I was at a young age,” he recalled. “But now I really understand, and I value that. I love giving back and it’s a great time to be able to come back and understand that what I’m doing can contribute to make a better world.”

Well said!