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Provides funds to secure future water supplies and reinstates WIFA

As Arizona’s economy grows, the need to secure reliable water supplies has never been more critical. This lies at the heart of efforts undertaken by the Arizona Alliance for Golf, and we appreciate the support of our members and partners for this historic bill. In late-June, Arizona passed legislation that provides significant investments in water infrastructure and augmentation. The legislation green-lights more than a $1.2-billion investment in Arizona’s water supply to enhance efficiency and increase water reuse by focusing on conservation measures as well as providing the funds needed to secure water supplies into the future.

The first installment of the three-year investment allocates $334 million for water projects like desalination, importing new sources to the state and water recycling. The package also contains an additional $200 million for water conservation, research, water education and efficiency programs.

The bill also will help grow Arizona’s water supply from new sources by establishing the Long-Term Water Augmentation Fund to primarily fund projects to import water into Arizona. This fund and related ability to finance these projects will be critical in advancing innovative solutions to growing our water sources.

Perhaps most importantly, the legislation reestablishes the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority (WIFA), as a separate state agency with a governing board and several committees to assist in reviewing fund applications. WIFA works with political subdivisions, tribal communities and other eligible entities. It also administers the Water Supply Development Revolving Fund, which provides loans and grants for water supply development projects in rural Arizona. Under the provisions of the legislation, WIFA will have the ability to engage in public-private partnerships for water supply development, a key driver for securing and growing Arizona’s water resources.

Overall, it’s a very positive step forward for the future of Arizona’s water supply and everyone who depends on it for their livelihoods, which includes the Arizona Alliance for Golf. It’s a huge win, one which we hope signals great things to come. And you can rest assured that the AAG will be there every step of the way to support the resources needed for a bright future of golf in Arizona.